100 Essential Japanese Vocabulary and Phrases for Anime Lovers

japanese for anime

If you’re an anime lover who also wants to learn Japanese online, why not combine the two? Watching anime not only immerses you in the culture, but it also helps you practice listening skills and expand your vocabulary. In this guide, we’ll go through 100 essential Japanese vocabulary words and phrases for anime that will level up your anime experience and boost your Japanese learning.

Why Learn Japanese with Anime?

Anime is a fantastic way to learn Japanese for several reasons:

  • Authentic language usage: Anime characters use a wide range of expressions, from casual slang to formal speech, which helps learners understand different nuances of the language.
  • Cultural immersion: Many anime series offer cultural insights that might not be found in textbooks.
  • Motivation: If you’re already a fan, incorporating anime into your language learning journey keeps things fun and engaging.

100 essential Japanese vocabulary words and phrases for anime

  1. Greetings and Common Phrases
  1. こんにちは (Konnichiwa) – Hello
  2. おはよう (Ohayou) – Good morning
  3. こんばんは (Konbanwa) – Good evening
  4. さようなら (Sayonara) – Goodbye
  5. ありがとう (Arigatou) – Thank you
  6. すみません (Sumimasen) – Excuse me / Sorry
  7. ごめんなさい (Gomennasai) – I’m sorry
  8. はい (Hai) – Yes
  9. いいえ (Iie) – No
  10. お願いします (Onegaishimasu) – Please
  1. Anime-Specific Terms
  1. アニメ (Anime) – Anime
  2. マンガ (Manga) – Manga
  3. オタク (Otaku) – Anime/manga enthusiast
  4. セーラームーン (Sailor Moon) – Sailor Moon
  5. 忍者 (Ninja) – Ninja
  6. 侍 (Samurai) – Samurai
  7. 超能力 (Chounouryoku) – Superpower
  8. 魔法 (Mahou) – Magic
  9. 戦い (Tatakai) – Battle
  10. 冒険 (Bouken) – Adventure
  1. Character Roles
  1. 主人公 (Shujinkou) – Protagonist
  2. ヒーロー (Hiiroo) – Hero
  3. ヒロイン (Hiroin) – Heroine
  4. 悪役 (Akuyaku) – Villain
  5. ライバル (Raibaru) – Rival
  6. 相棒 (Aibou) – Partner
  7. 先生 (Sensei) – Teacher
  8. 先輩 (Senpai) – Senior
  9. 後輩 (Kouhai) – Junior
  10. 友達 (Tomodachi) – Friend
  1. Emotions and Reactions
  1. 嬉しい (Ureshii) – Happy
  2. 悲しい (Kanashii) – Sad
  3. 怒り (Ikari) – Anger
  4. 怖い (Kowai) – Scary
  5. 楽しい (Tanoshii) – Fun
  6. かっこいい (Kakkoii) – Cool
  7. 可愛い (Kawaii) – Cute
  8. すごい (Sugoi) – Amazing
  9. やばい (Yabai) – Crazy / Dangerous
  10. まじで? (Maji de?) – Seriously?
  1. Action and Battle Phrases
  1. 行け! (Ike!) – Go!
  2. 逃げろ! (Nigero!) – Run away!
  3. 戦え! (Tatakae!) – Fight!
  4. 負けない (Makenai) – I won’t lose!
  5. 勝つ! (Katsu!) – I’ll win!
  6. 守る (Mamoru) – Protect
  7. 倒す (Taosu) – Defeat
  8. 変身! (Henshin!) – Transform!
  9. 必殺技! (Hissatsu waza!) – Special move!
  10. 覚悟しろ! (Kakugo shiro!) – Be prepared!
  1. Food and Culture
  1. 寿司 (Sushi) – Sushi
  2. ラーメン (Ramen) – Ramen
  3. お茶 (Ocha) – Tea
  4. 神社 (Jinja) – Shrine
  5. 祭り (Matsuri) – Festival
  6. 着物 (Kimono) – Kimono
  7. 忍者村 (Ninja Mura) – Ninja Village
  8. 武士道 (Bushidou) – Bushido (Way of the Samurai)
  9. 桜 (Sakura) – Cherry Blossom
  10. 富士山 (Fujisan) – Mount Fuji
  1. School Life (Common in Slice-of-Life Anime)
  1. 学校 (Gakkou) – School
  2. 教室 (Kyoushitsu) – Classroom
  3. 勉強 (Benkyou) – Study
  4. テスト (Tesuto) – Test
  5. 部活 (Bukatsu) – Club Activity
  6. 放課後 (Houkago) – After School
  7. 先生 (Sensei) – Teacher
  8. 生徒 (Seito) – Student
  9. 卒業 (Sotsugyou) – Graduation
  10. 夏休み (Natsuyasumi) – Summer Vacation
  1. Fantasy and Supernatural Terms
  1. 妖怪 (Youkai) – Supernatural creature
  2. 幽霊 (Yuurei) – Ghost
  3. 竜 (Ryuu) – Dragon
  4. 魔王 (Maou) – Demon King
  5. 勇者 (Yuusha) – Hero
  6. 魔法使い (Mahoutsukai) – Wizard
  7. 異世界 (Isekai) – Another World
  8. 転生 (Tensei) – Reincarnation
  9. 呪文 (Jumon) – Spell
  10. 契約 (Keiyaku) – Contract
  1. Everyday Phrases in Anime
  1. お疲れ様 (Otsukaresama) – Good job / Well done
  2. ただいま (Tadaima) – I’m home
  3. おかえり (Okaeri) – Welcome back
  4. いただきます (Itadakimasu) – Before eating
  5. ごちそうさま (Gochisousama) – After eating
  6. おめでとう (Omedetou) – Congratulations
  7. 頑張って (Ganbatte) – Do your best
  8. 大丈夫 (Daijoubu) – It’s okay
  9. なるほど (Naruhodo) – I see
  10. そうですね (Sou desu ne) – That’s right
  1. Advanced Phrases for Super Fans
  1. 運命 (Unmei) – Destiny
  2. 絆 (Kizuna) – Bonds
  3. 夢 (Yume) – Dream
  4. 希望 (Kibou) – Hope
  5. 未来 (Mirai) – Future
  6. 愛 (Ai) – Love
  7. 友情 (Yuujou) – Friendship
  8. 正義 (Seigi) – Justice
  9. 平和 (Heiwa) – Peace
  10. 永遠 (Eien) – Eternity

By using the 100 essential Japanese vocabulary words and phrases for anime above, you can deepen your understanding of the language while enjoying the stories you love. Want to accelerate your learning? Consider taking lessons with a Japanese language tutor who can guide you through the nuances of the language. Whether you’re watching anime for fun or to enhance your Japanese skills, you’re bound to gain something valuable from every episode.