100 Popular Korean Loanwords
and Their Origins

Min Ho went ‘syoping’ to buy a ‘haendeupon’ as a ‘gipeuteu’ for his friend.

All the words in the quotation marks above are Korean loanwords from English. Here are 100 common Korean loanwords along with their origins:

  1. 커피 (keopi) – Coffee (English)
  2. 택시 (taeksi) – Taxi (English)
  3. 버스 (beoseu) – Bus (English)
  4. 피자 (pija) – Pizza (Italian)
  5. 초콜릿 (chokollit) – Chocolate (Spanish)
  6. 아이스크림 (aiseukeurim) – Ice cream (English)
  7. 콜라 (kolla) – Cola (English)
  8. 스포츠 (seupocheu) – Sports (English)
  9. 헤어스타일 (heeoseutail) – Hairstyle (English)
  10. 메뉴 (menyu) – Menu (French)
  11. 레스토랑 (reseutorang) – Restaurant (French)
  12. 쇼핑 (syoping) – Shopping (English)
  13. 버거 (beogeo) – Burger (English)
  14. 파스타 (pasta) – Pasta (Italian)
  15. 바나나 (banana) – Banana (Spanish)
  16. 스케줄 (sekejul) – Schedule (English)
  17. 쇼핑몰 (syopingmol) – Shopping mall (English)
  18. 맥주 (maekju) – Beer (German)
  19. 인터뷰 (intabyu) – Interview (English)
  20. 테니스 (teniseu) – Tennis (English)
  21. 컴퓨터 (keompyuteo) – Computer (English)
  22. 카메라 (kamera) – Camera (English)
  23. 텔레비전 (telebijeon) – Television (English)
  24. 에어컨 (eokeon) – Air conditioner (English)
  25. 택배 (taekbae) – Delivery (Chinese)
  26. 편의점 (pyeonuijeom) – Convenience store (Chinese)
  27. 케이크 (keikeu) – Cake (English)
  28. 핸드폰 (haendeupon) – Mobile phone (English)
  29. 소파 (sopa) – Sofa (Arabic)
  30. 컴플렉스 (keompeullekseu) – Complex (English)
  31. 피부 (pibu) – Skin (Chinese)
  32. 기프트 (gipeuteu) – Gift (English)
  33. 컨디션 (keondisyeon) – Condition (English)
  34. 클리닉 (keullinik) – Clinic (English)
  35. 도시락 (dosirak) – Lunch box (Japanese)
  36. 엘리베이터 (ellibeiteo) – Elevator (English)
  37. 포인트 (pointeu) – Point (English)
  38. 약국 (yakguk) – Pharmacy (Chinese)
  39. 쇼핑센터 (syoping senteo) – Shopping center (English)
  40. 오토바이 (otobai) – Motorcycle (Japanese)
  41. 음악 (eumak) – Music (Chinese)
  42. 마케팅 (makeuting) – Marketing (English)
  43. 슈퍼마켓 (syupeomaket) – Supermarket (English)
  44. 엔진 (enjin) – Engine (English)
  45. 바비큐 (babikyu) – Barbecue (English)
  46. 모텔 (motel) – Motel (English)
  47. 신발 (sinbal) – Shoes (Chinese)
  48. 미팅 (miting) – Meeting (English)
  49. 알콜 (alkol) – Alcohol (English)
  50. 골프 (golpeu) – Golf (English)
  51. 쇼핑백 (syopingbaek) – Shopping bag (English)
  52. 센터 (senteo) – Center (English)
  53. 마스크 (maseukeu) – Mask (French)
  54. 라디오 (radio) – Radio (English)
  55. 액세서리 (aekseoseori) – Accessory (English)
  56. 약 (yak) – Medicine (Chinese)
  57. 캠퍼스 (kaempeoseu) – Campus (English)
  58. 의자 (uija) – Chair (Chinese)
  59. 서비스 (seobiseu) – Service (English)
  60. 주스 (juseu) – Juice (English)
  61. 호텔 (hotel) – Hotel (English)
  62. 아르바이트 (areubaiteu) – Part-time job (German)
  63. 신문 (sinmun) – Newspaper (Chinese)
  64. 타임테이블 (taimteibeul) – Timetable (English)
  65. 야구 (yagu) – Baseball (English)
  66. 아이디어 (aidieo) – Idea (English)
  67. 티비 (tibi) – TV (English)
  68. 복사기 (boksagi) – Photocopier (Japanese)
  69. 악세사리 (aksesari) – Accessory (French)
  70. 티켓 (tiket) – Ticket (English)
  71. 헬스 (helseu) – Fitness (English)
  72. 고속버스 (gosokbeoseu) – Express bus (Chinese)
  73. 플라스틱 (peullaseutik) – Plastic (English)
  74. 마트 (mateu) – Mart (German)
  75. 신호등 (sinhodeung) – Traffic light (Chinese)
  76. 타워 (tawo) – Tower (English)
  77. 화장품 (hwajangpum) – Cosmetics (Chinese)
  78. 접시 (jeopshi) – Plate (Chinese)
  79. 학부모 (hakbumo) – Parents (Chinese)
  80. 베이커리 (beikeori) – Bakery (English)
  81. 주차장 (juchajang) – Parking lot (Chinese)
  82. 엑스레이 (ekseurei) – X-ray (English)
  83. 비디오 (bidio) – Video (English)
  84. 피아노 (piano) – Piano (Italian)
  85. 세탁기 (setakgi) – Washing machine (Chinese)
  86. 라이벌 (raibeol) – Rival (English)
  87. 로봇 (robot) – Robot (Czech)
  88. 폰트 (fonteu) – Font (English)
  89. 공항 (gonghang) – Airport (Chinese)
  90. 마스터 (maseuteo) – Master (English)
  91. 램프 (raempeu) – Lamp (English)
  92. 오렌지 (orenji) – Orange (Portuguese)
  93. 로비 (lobi) – Lobby (English)
  94. 학생증 (haksaengjeung) – Student ID (Chinese)
  95. 베개 (begae) – Pillow (Chinese)
  96. 팬 (paen) – Fan (English)
  97. 오피스 (opiseu) – Office (English)
  98. 노트북 (noteubuk) – Laptop (English)
  99. 싸인 (ssain) – Signature (English)
  100. 비타민 (bitamin) – Vitamin (Latin)

Please note that the origins mentioned here are based on the original languages of the loanwords. Some loanwords may have entered Korean through different languages or undergone modifications in pronunciation and meaning over time. Sign up for a Korean class to start speaking Korean!