Japanese Verbs for Beginners
The first step to learn Japanese online is to learn most commonly used verbs, nouns and adjectives.
Here is a list of Japanese verbs for beginners.
- 行く(iku) to go
- 帰る(kaeru) to return
- 聞く(kiku) to listen
- 飲む (nomu) to drink
- 話す (hanashu) to speak
- 読む (yomu) to read
- 起きる (okiru) to get up
- 食べる (taberu) to eat
- 寝る (neru) to sleep
- 見る (miru) to see
- 来る (kuru) to come
- する (suru) to do
- 勉強する (benkyou suru) to study
- 会う (au) to meet
- ある (aru) to be in existence
- いる (iru) to be in existence
- 買う (kau) to buy
- 書く (kaku) to write
- 撮る (toru) to take (a photo)
- 待つ (matsu) to wait
- 泳ぐ (oyogu) to swim
- 聞く (kiku) to ask
- 乗る (noru) to ride
- やる (yaru) to perform
- 出かける (dekakeru) to go out
- 遊ぶ (asobu) to play
- 急ぐ (isogu) to hurry
- 入る (hairu) to enter
- (お風呂に)入る(ofuro ni hairu) to bathe
- 返す (kaesu) to return
- 消す (kesu) to turn off
- 死ぬ (shinu) to die
- 座る (suwaru) to sit
- 立つ (tatsu) to stand
- (たばこを)すう (tabako o suu) to smoke
- 使う (tsukau) to use
- 手伝う (tetsudau) to help
- 持つ (motsu) to carry
- 休む (yasumu) to rest
- 開ける (akeru) to open
- 教える (oshieru) to teach
- 降りる (oriru) to get off
- 借りる (kariru) to borrow
- 閉める (shimeru) to close something
- (シャワーを)浴びる (shawaa o abiru) to take a shower
- つける (tsukeru) to turn on
- (電話を)かける (denwa o kakeru) to call
- 忘れる (wasureru) to forget
- 歌う (utau) to sing
- かぶる (kaburu) to wear (a hat)
- 知る (shiru) to get to know
- 住む (sumu) to live
- はく (haku) to wear (pants)
- 太る (futoru) to gain weight
- (めがねを)かける (megane o kakeru) to wear glasses
- 着る (kiru) to wear (a shirt)
- 勤める (tsutomeru) to work for
- やせる (yaseru) to lose weight
- 結婚する (kekkon suru) to get married
- 降る (toru) to drop
- 洗う (arau) to wash
- 言う (iu) to say
- いる (iru) to need
- 遅くなる (osokunaru) to be late
- 思う (omou) to think
- 切る (kiru) to cut
- 作る (tsukuru) to make
- 持っていく (motteiku) to take something
- 捨てる (suteru) to throw away
- 始める (hajimeru) to begin
- 運転する (untensuru) to drive
- 運動する (undousuru) to exercise
- 散歩する (sanposuru) to take a walk
- 洗濯する (sentakusuru) to do laundry
- 掃除する (soujisuru) to clean
- 電話する (denwasuru) to call
- 料理する (ryourisuru) to cook
- 旅行する (ryokousuru) to travel
- 練習する (renshuusuru) to practice
- 紹介する (shoukaisuru) to introduce
- 遅刻する (chikokusuru) to be late
- 留学する (ryuugakusur) to study abroad
- 踊る (odoru) to dance
- 終わる (owaru) something ends
- 人気がある (ninki ga aru) to be popular
- 始める (hajimeru) something begins
- 引く (hiku) to play (a piano or a guitar)
- もらう (morau) to get
- 覚える (oboeru) to memorize
- 出る (deru) to exit
- かかる (kakaru) to take
- 泊まる (tomaru) to stay
- なる (naru) to become
- 払う (harau) to pay
- 決める (kimeru) to decide
- うそをつく (uso o tsuku) to lie
- おなかがすく (onaka ga suku) to be hungry
- 飼う (kau) to own (a pet)
- サボる (saboru) to cut classes
- 取る (toru) to take
- 歩く (aruku) to walk
- 風邪をひく (kaze o hiku) to catch a cold
- 興味がある (kyoumi ga aru) to be interested
- 熱がある (netsu ga aru) to have a fever
- のどが渇く (nodo ga kawaku) to become thirsty
- せきが出る (seki ga deru) to cough
- 別れる (wakareru) to break up
- 緊張する (kinchousuru) to get nervous
- 心配する (shinpaisuru) to worry